Page 9 - BOL Feb 21 Edition
P. 9

Kids Flock to Aussie Skate Night

       The Kids Just Loved it!

       When Vic Doherty of May Street first offered his equipment to be DJ for our 1st Skate
       Night in 1990, one would never have dreamed that 30 years down the track the sounds
       of laughter & music would continue to sound out from the local community centre.
       (Vic and Eileen still live in Mango Hill and love the “sound of music skating over Village
       roofs to their home.)

       With an Aussie Day theme on show in dress and music, 30 Years down the track another
       generation of kids of Mango Hill & North Lakes followed their Mums and Dads to skate
       and jive around the newly upgraded Mango Tennis Court in perfect weather conditions
       tonight with not a mozzie in feel.
       Back in the Shed, our DJ, Brent Alley pumped out music for games and dances
       (including the Limbo, Macarena, and Chicken Dance) whilst Mums and Dads relaxed
       beyond the wire at a safe distance apart as their “little ones” fired off their Frisbees to
       hit “prizes” across the court before enjoying an ice-cream and bag of sweets left over
       from Christmas.

       It’s no wonder that there is likely to have been some “jumping beans” finding it hard to
       get off to sleep  on Saturday night with the memory of the Limbo and dance routines
       keeping their minds very active.
       Thanks to our wonderful Volunteers, who continue to show up every Skate Night to
       give the kids a great night out.
       Next Skate Night is likely to be Saturday 24th April with an Anzac Theme given
       Anzac Day is the next morning.

       Thanks to All who made Skate Night a wonderful success.


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