Page 14 - Best Of Local Moreton Bay Magazine Sept24
P. 14

Council Programs to Keep our Bikers

                                           and Walkers Safe

                                                               Above: This branch didn’t make it to the ground, luckily. It is now being removed.
       Tree Limbs                                             Swooping Birds

       Wherever you are in the City of Moreton Bay, our very attractive  It’s mating season, and the best protection against swooping
       walkways and bikeways are being enjoyed like never-before.   birds is to make them your friends during the rest of the year.
                                                              There seems to be a lot of evidence that magpies, in particular,
       Many of the pathways wind between trees that were planted  favourably remember people who are friendly towards them,
       more than 20 years ago, and as they mature, some of their  while they are inclined to attack people whom they do not
       limbs age and fall off. Some of these are substantial and could  recognise or have been less well-disposed to them.
       significantly injure an unsuspecting walker or rider. Beautiful
       eucalypts  and brush  boxes can be the  worst offenders, while  If you encounter nuisance birds, avoid the immediate area where
       lillypillies and the few exotics that we have are less of a problem. possible. Generally, if there is a swooping bird in your area you
       City of Moreton Bay Council has programs to pro-actively
       manage this problem, but sometime hazards develop on the  •   take an alternate route to avoid being swooped upon
       trees before the trimmers arrive. Right now, Council workers  •   protect your face and eyes by wearing a hat and sunglasses
       are working their way along Copeland Drive with their cherry   or carry an umbrella
       pickers and chippers to remove the potential dangers. Be careful  •   dismount from your bicycle
       driving along the road, and, if walking, keep clear of the work  •   don’t wave your arms, yell or throw objects at the birds
       zones.                                                 •   make sure that your dog does not antagonise the birds
                                                              •   remain calm and walk quickly through the area.

                                                              Problem areas can be reported to Council (07 3205 0555).

                                                              Council may conduct a risk-based swooping bird assessment.
                                                              Depending on the outcome, they may take measures such as
                                                              installing signage.

                                                                               More information at:

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