Page 4 - BOL May20 Edition
P. 4

       Micro Newso News


      Maintenance Works Accelerate During                     Sports Infrastructure Development Push
      COVID Slowdown
                 With fewer cars on local streets and parks almost      Works are advancing on a multi-million dollar sports
                 empty, Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter        precinct at Brendale.
                 Flannery said the maintenance team was getting         Mayor Peter Flannery said the $185 million South
                 through their To Do List quicker than expected.        Pine Sports Complex (SPSC) will be home to at least
       “Our $2 million accelerated works program is underway and  15 different sports once complete.
       the team has put $750,000 worth of works out to the market  “Construction has to be a major part of our economic recovery
       through VendorPanel,” Cr Flannery said.                if we’re going to keep tradies on the tools, and that’s something
       “I urge local Moreton Bay businesses to register for VendorPanel  Council can drive,” Mayor Flannery said.
       Marketplace to be considered for upcoming Council tenders,  “It’s how we can create jobs and inject millions of dollars into our
       because I want to see those ratepayer dollars pumped back  local economy over a sustained period.
       into our community and helping to keep our economy afloat
       through these tough times.
       “This is a key element of our stimulus package and there’ll be
       more to come.
       “Maintenance isn’t glamorous work, but it’s essential to keep
       Moreton Bay open and running. And while our lives may have
       slowed down due to COVID-19 but MBRC crews certainly haven’t
       “I’m proud that we can continue to service our community, while
       also keeping our staff healthy and safe. It’s been an enormous
       logistical effort and I thank everyone involved.”
       To register for Council tenders, visit - https://www.moretonbay.

                                                              “Given Brendale’s proximity to Brisbane city and the airport, this
                                                              could be the perfect place for athletes and teams to be based if
                                                              a Southeast Queensland 2032 Olympic Games bid is successful.
                                                              “We know that every night a sports tourist visitor stays in our
                                                              region, they spend $279 per person per day. So, we’re also
                                                              strategising about how to secure more inter-state, national and
                                                              international competitions here.”
                                                              Newly elected Division 9 Councillor Cr Cath Tonks said she was
                                                              keen to see SPSC evolve.
                                                              “I know that there’s $135 million worth of works planned for this
                                                              site in years to come,” she said.
                                                              “We’ll be engaging with residents and local clubs about what
                                                              they think can be achieved, I’ll certainly be encouraging locals
                                                              to think big.
                                                              “I want this to become a hub of sports excellence for all of
                                                              southeast Queensland.
                                                              “This is just the beginning of what Council is working on to
                                                              make sure the future of Moreton Bay is bright on the other side
                                                              of this pandemic.
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