Page 4 - BOL Nov20 Edition
P. 4
North Harbour PDA guaranteed
– no matter who wins
Council’s campaign to have a space – the largest publicly accessible
Priority Development Area (PDA) riverfront parkland in South East
declared at North Harbour has Queensland.
been successful, ensuring this job- North Harbour Project Director Bryan
generating project will unlock new Finney said the PDA is projected to
industries and opportunities no inject a massive $707 million into the
matter who wins government. Moreton Bay Region every year.
Mayor Peter Flannery thanked both “This would be a major milestone for
Labor and the LNP for responding the project and for the Moreton Bay
to Council’s calls to support new region,” Mr Finney said.
industry, construction and jobs in “A PDA would pave the way for
Moreton Bay Region. North Harbour to become a state-
“The North Harbour PDA is a $2.7 of-the art marine industry hub,
billion project that’s expected to attracting a significant portion of
create 7,000 jobs and inject many Australia’s $68 billion marine industry
billions more directly into our local to the region and lending itself to a
economy,” Mayor Flannery said. multitude of tourism and recreational
“I’m heartened that both Labor and opportunities.
the LNP have heard our calls and “Besides a huge win for jobs, other
acted in the interests of locals. exceptional benefits for the wider
“This is a huge coup for the Moreton community would include opening
Bay Region and exactly what we up 12km of prime riverfront land for
need to help us recover from the a water sports precinct, as well as a
huge financial impacts of COVID-19 vast new network of parkland and
by boosting the construction sector pathways.”
and diversifying local industry. Cr Mark Booth (Div 2) said the
“It’s especially important in the north development would create a huge
of our region, where unemployment economic boom that will put
levels have been higher than the Burpengary East on the map and
state average. generate local job opportunities for
“The ongoing benefits will be felt for residents.
decades to come with the creation “It’s exciting to see this area, right in
of a new marine industry to support the heart of Moreton Bay, getting the
a brand-new 400-berth marina attention and support it deserves,” he
through boatbuilding, maintenance, said.
repairs and more. “I know locals are looking for certainty
“The third prong is the creation of a in these uncertain times, which is why
Mixed Industry and Business Area we’re advocating for projects that will
(MIBA) centred around the marina create new opportunities for them on
village that includes local retail, the road to economic recovery.
tourism and entertainment uses.” “This is great progress for our growing
This project will also provide 600 region, and I am eager to see this
new apartments and 600 detached development come to fruition.”
homes as part of the marina village,
800 dwellings in a canal estate, along
with an extensive 319 hectares of
recreational and regional open