Page 7 - BOL Sep20 Edition
P. 7

Pollies Unite On COVID-19 Initiatives

       The Progress Association was thrilled
       to host a ‘Pollies Forum’ at their August
       meeting with  Vice President Guy Kelly
       moderating a Q&A on COVID-19, with
       representatives from  each level  of
       Australian Government present.

       Luke Howarth (Federal Member for
       Petrie),  Chris  Whiting  (State  Member  for
       Bancroft) and newly elected Councillor,
       Jodie Shipway (Division 4) spoke on “How
       Australian Governments can effectively  National Cabinet process has been one  expedite the decision-making process,
       work together to meet the societal  of the greatest advances in decades  with  Australia  achieving  one  of  the  best
       challenges of living with COVID-19”.  both politically and economically”. Chris  results in the world today.
                                           also emphasised the essential elements
       Councillor  Shipway  spoke  to  the  ability  of a strong line of defence against the  In answer to a question from the floor on
       of Local Government when provided  Coronavirus as being heavy testing, strong  the future of the National Cabinet, Luke
       with $18.5m of Commonwealth funds to  contact tracing protocols and effective  considered that there would be benefits in
       quickly turn “shovel ready” projects into  social distancing with good hygiene  maintaining the National Cabinet process
       reality.   This was achieved by reducing  practices.                     whilst Leaders continue to participate
       bureaucracy as well as prioritizing local                                with good will.
       businesses and helping those businesses  Federal MP Luke Howarth agreed with
       to remain open in very difficult times.  Councillor Shipway in respect of delivering  Members present indicated their delight
                                           projects quickly with funds provided  in having our leaders from all three
       State MP Chris Whiting spoke of the Qld  by the Federal Government.  Luke also  levels of government demonstrate their
       Government’s preparedness and planning  emphasized the success of the National  commitment to the local community with
       for the pandemic.  “The State and Federal  Cabinet process which enables the Prime  their attendance.
       Government cooperating through the  Minister and Premiers/Chief Ministers to

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