Page 10 - BOL Mar 22 Edition
P. 10

           Joy Bowman to be remembered by Street oy Bowman to be remembered by Street
                                  Names in her Honour.ames in her Honour.

                  (Joy Crescent & Bowman Court Will Carry The Name Of A Truly Remarkable Lady.)

       With the strong endorsement of the Mango Hill Progress
       Association, Moreton Bay Regional Council has recently
       approved names for two streets in a soon to be constructed
       development for land between John St & Chelmsford Road in
       the Mango Hill Village, the former property of a truly remarkable
       and generous Lady, Joy Bowman.

       There will be many in the  Village today who will remember  Over the next 8 years Joy formed an Incorporated Association
       Joy’s very petite frame covered with French style cap and black  (Phoenix Homestead) with some remarkable and talented
       shawl regularly (almost daily) catching the bus on John Street as  colleagues and even obtained building approval for her dream
       she travelled to the city, Redcliffe and everywhere in between  in 2009.
       cajoling Public Officials, Members of Parliament and business
       Associates  to  adopt  her  plans to construct a  Hospice  on  her
       property she wanted to donate to society .

                                                              Along the way, Joy formed a close relationship with the Mango
                                                              Hill Progress Association, given that it was her strong desire to
                                                              donate her land for the benefit of the community.  Between
                                                              2006 and 2009, the local newsletter of the Association (Mango
                                                              Hill News) carried various articles outlining Joy’s vision which
                                                              was overseen by an Incorporated body  named, Phoenix
                                                              Homestead Incorporated.  Local Resident, Mark O’Brien was
                                                              a strong advocate for Joy’s project and played a major role in
                                                              assisting Joy.

                                                              At first, with the support of Mark Obrien, the Progress Association
                                                              and Members of Parliament, there was considerable optimism
                                                              that Joy’s goal would be successful. However, despite receiving
                                                              Development Approval from the former Pine Rivers Shire Council
       Arriving in Mango Hill Village                         in 2008, a final decision to move forward with construction did
       When Joy Bowman purchased her acreage property 2002, she  not eventuate, given the complexities of ensuring financial
       had recently sold her very successful business in Springhill “Joy  sustainability and Health Department approvals.
       Bowman Galleries” which had operated from 1965 to 2001,
       which was described as “an extraordinary length of time for an  Sadly, Joy’s health deteriorated over time before being moved
       arts-based business.”  (The former Joy Bowman Galleries is in  into Aged Care where she sadly passed away in 2019 leaving
       Leichhardt Street in Spring Hill and is heritage listed.)   much of her estate to benefit the community.  This generosity is
                                                              recognized by Moreton Bay Regional Council with the support
       A successful business woman in her own right, retirement  of the Mango Hill Progress Association through the naming of
       was not an option for Joy Bowman as she sought to use her  Joy Crescent and Bowman Court in the residential estate that
       considerable financial resources and her property to benefit  will soon be constructed on her former property.
       society with a “Hospice” for adults with a disability, one being
       her own son who sadly passed away on Christmas Day 2002.    Joy Bowman was truly a remarkable Lady who never sought
                                                              notoriety but only desired to help others.  She will be
       The “Phoenix Homestead” was that goal and nothing would  remembered fondly.
       sway Joy from achieving that goal, not even the loss of her son
       at the age of 40.  It made her more determined.
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