Page 15 - Best Of Local Mag June24 Edition
P. 15

Mayor Calls on State Government

                                      to Support Growth

       Moreton Bay Mayor Peter Flannery  Alternative (BHWA) and Buchanan Road  fastest-growing city, we expect better
       has strongly criticised the Queensland  projects to come  online  to facilitate  and will hold the State to account when
       State Government for its inadequate  housing.  The State has been talking  their budget comes down in June. Our
       response to the housing crisis and  about the BHWA for years but it’s just  roads, public transport, and health
       failure to support the region’s rapid  another  case  of  infrastructure  lagging  services are struggling to keep up
       growth. In a forthright statement,  behind privately-funded development.”  with the current demand and without
       Mayor Flannery emphasised the urgent                                     immediate  investment  from  the  State
       need for infrastructure investment and  Mayor Flannery underscored the State  Government, we risk falling further
       strategic planning to accommodate  Government’s failure to match its  behind,” he said.
       the increasing population and bolster  rhetoric with action.  “It’s all well and
       the local economy.                  good for the State to mandate growth  The current call for support by our
                                           targets for Councils but they need to  local  government,  comes  as  Moreton
       “AV Jennings’ recent announcement to  support that growth. Developers need  Bay  continues to attract families  and
       terminate their option for development  certainty. They can’t just sit on paddocks  businesses due to its relatively affordable
       at Caboolture  West (Waraba), due  and wait for their day in the sun!”   housing  and  strategic  location  near
       to expected costs not aligning with                                      Brisbane. However, this rapid influx of
       their forecasts, is a timely reminder for  In addition to infrastructure, Mayor  new residents has put pressure on local
       Government,” Mayor Flannery declared.  Flannery also highlighted the need for  services  and  amenities,  making  state
       “There is no doubt that infrastructure  federal support.  “With Councils only  intervention vital.
       and development costs have increased  receiving 3% of tax revenue, it is up to the
       - we’re seeing that across the board.  State and Federal Governments to make  The  landowner  that  AV Jennings  had
       However, we will not meet the State  a real contribution to infrastructure  a development option with remains
       Governments’ own mandated housing  that  will  unlock  City  of  Moreton  Bay’s  committed  to  achieving  outcomes  at
       targets  if  catalytic  infrastructure  is  not  huge growth area, so that housing  Waraba, a key growth area for South
       prioritised.”                       targets can be met. The Federal Budget  East Queensland.  When completed,
                                           claimed to have a solution to ease  Waraba will be the size of Mackay,
       The Moreton Bay region, encompassing  infrastructure bottlenecks and better  providing 30,000 homes for around
       areas such as Redcliffe, Caboolture,  connect essential services to homes  70,000 residents.
       and North Lakes, has seen substantial  such as roads, water and power, and
       population growth in recent years.  called for an increase in housing supply,  Mayor Flannery’s appeal highlights the
       According to the Australian Bureau of  but not a dollar has been offered to City  pressing need for a coordinated and
       Statistics (ABS), the region’s population  of Moreton Bay for this purpose.”  committed approach from both state and
       was approximately 470,000 in 2021.                                       federal governments to infrastructure
       Projections  indicate  this  number  Mayor Flannery did not hold back in his  and economic development and his
       could  reach  around  660,000  by  2041,  criticism of the State Government’s lack  timely, pre-budget notice that the
       highlighting the need for significant  of action. When addressing the current  State Government’s current approach
       infrastructure improvements.        state of funding, Mayor Flannery said,  is insufficient to meet the needs of one
                                           “The current lack of response in funding  of Australia’s fastest-growing  regions,
       The Mayor pointed out several key areas  the enormous growth challenge that  serves as a crucial call to action.
       where support is urgently needed. “We  City of Moreton Bay faces is quite frankly
       really need the Bruce Highway Western  inadequate. As South East Queensland’s

       June 2024                                                                                                15
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