Page 17 - Best Of Local Mag June24 Edition
P. 17

Divorce - Who Keeps the Pets?

       Most pet owners freely consider their furry, feathery or even   for the pet; and
       scaly friends to be ‘part of the family’ to a point even where many  •   If there are parenting arrangements for children, whether the
       instinctively refer to their pets as children. But who gets ownership   children have a special attachment to the pet.
       of the family pet if its owners divorce or experience a relationship
       breakdown?                                             A Judge is therefore not strictly bound to consider the animal’s
                                                              wellbeing except where a pet might be subjected to violence or
       Under the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth), the ongoing care of children  some other cruelty.
       to a relationship is carefully managed by an extensive array of
       provisions  designed  to  ensure  that  the  best  interests  of  those  Alternatively, a couple could make a binding ‘pre-nup’ financial
 FAMILY  children are met. Australian law, however, considers pets to be  agreement outside of Court that specifies which partner will obtain
       just another form of property. Therefore the working out of where  sole custody of the pet in the event of a relationship breakdown.
 LAW   little ‘Fluffy’ is going to live is done in the same way decisions are  Since pets are legally property, there should be no reason why
       made about the family car and the living room couch.   a Family Court Judge would not enforce the Agreement if the
                                                              couple were to separate at some point in the future.
       A Family Court Judge has the authority to make orders to protect
       property from waste, destruction or damage. On those few  Regarding informal shared custody arrangements, it is unlikely
       occasions where pet custody cases have ended up in court, the  that a Family Court Judge would make or enforce an order for
       decisions in each instance considered:                 shared custody due to the need for ongoing legal intervention.
                                                              Nevertheless, it could be justified where a child to the relationship
       •   Who is the registered owner;                       has a service or emotional support animal that needs to travel
 WILLS  •   Who paid for the initial and ongoing expenses;    with  the child between households.  However,  this  is  yet  to be
 RETIREMENT  AND  •   Who was the main caregiver during and after the relationship; tested in court.

 VILLAGES  ESTATES  •   Whether the parties will have appropriate accommodation
       Joshua Noble is a Senior Associate at Zande Law Solicitors, Suite 9, Norwinn Centre, 15 Discovery Drive, North
       Lakes practising from our Cleveland office at Suite 3, Jade Chambers, 15 Middle Street, Cleveland. To contact
       Josh for advice, please phone (07) 3385 0999 to schedule an appointment.

       The information in this article is merely a guide and not a full explanation of the law. This firm cannot take
       responsibility for any action readers take based on this information. When making decisions that could affect
       your legal rights, please contact us for professional advice.

                                                                   SKIN CANCER -WHAT IS IT?
                                                                          PRP Therapy
 CONVEYANCING                                                   Skin cancer is an abnormal growth of a cell type in
                                                                the skin. The most common type is Basal Cell cancer
                                                                (BCC), a slow growing and locally destructive cancer.
                                                                  Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is the latest and most
                                                                Squamous Cell Cancer (SCC) is a more invasive cancer.
                                                                 innovate way that people are using to rejuvenate their
                                                                Melanomas  can  grow  quickly  and  can  become  life-
                                                                threatening in as little as six weeks. Less commonly
                                                                 skin, specifically against signs of aging and scarring. By
                                                                known  is  that  Melanoma  can  appear  on  skin  not
                                                                using the patient’s own blood to revitalize tired-looking
                                                                normally exposed to the sun.
                                                                  skin, this therapy is fast becoming one of the most
                                                                 popular forms of anti-aging treatment, boosted by its
                                                                           Treatment of Skin Cancer
                                                                Surgical  excision  of  the  cancer  is  the  present
                                                                           use by high profile celebrities.
                                                                such as prescribed cream and cryotherapy, (otherwise
                                                                 On average results will start to show after around 2-3
                                                                 months with monthly treatments. A minimum of three
                                                                forms of BCC and SCC but will require ongoing reviews
                                                                to ensure no return.
                                                                treatments is usually advised however in some cases up
                                                                Precancerous skin cancer or solar keratosis (otherwise
                                                                to six treatments will be required on a monthly basis. As
                                                                referred to as the sunspot) is treated with cryotherapy
                                                                it is an accumulative treatment the results will be greater
                                                                or topical cream such as prescription Efudix to ensure
                                                                it does not become a SCC.
                                                                        if the full three treatments are taken.
 Norwinn Centre, 15 Discovery Drive
 North Lakes                                                    With  no  formal  screening  program  in  Australia,  it
                                                                            Detection of Skin Cancer
                                                                The effects of rejuvenation on the skin will continue for
                                                                up to 12 months after one treatment reducing the need
 PH 3385 0999                                                   is  important  to  have  a  thorough  skin  examination
                                                                with  your  GP  on  a  regular  basis.  Doctor  Donna  at
                                                                             for repeat appointments.
                                                                Bartchall  Medical  specialises  in  skin  cancer  checks
                                                                Bartchall Medical is one of the few practices that has a  ZANDE                                     and management and the staff at the clinic send out
                                                                timely reminders to have your skin cancer check done
                                                                regularly, so you never have to worry about forgetting!
                                                                 doctor registered to complete the Vampire Facelift.
 L A W                                                           Make your appointment for a Skin Cancer Check
                                                                     Contact Bartchall Medical on Ph: 38865400
                                                                             for further information.
                                                                           at Bartchall Medical today!
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