Page 5 - Best Of Local Mag June24 Edition
P. 5

What Shell is That?                              A brief guide to molluscs of Moreton
                                                               Bay (July 2022) was compiled by Hayley
       Have you ever walked along the beach, picked up a shell,   Parfitt, Fisheries Queensland, and Dr John
       and wondered what its name was?                         Healy, Queensland Museum. © State
                                                               of Queensland, 2022. The Queensland
                                                               Government supports and encourages
       Mollusca are animals that have a soft body, no spine, and
       is often covered with a shell. Marine mollusca such as mud   the dissemination and exchange of its
       arks, pearl oysters (quampie), razor clams, orange cockles,
       wedge clams, Venus clams, pipis (eugaries), mud whelks,   Dr John Healy is also a member of the
       sand snails and rock oysters may be found along the     Brisbane Shell Club, which has an excellent
       shoreline of Moreton Bay at low tide. More often than not   website — Shells of South East Queensland
       the shells are empty.                                   — with beautiful photographs of the shells
                                                               of many species taken by the club secretary,
       According to the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries   Tim Murrell.
       and the Queensland Museum, “Moreton Bay is home to
       an estimated  350  species of bivalve molluscs and  1023   Fun Fact: The Netherlands has been
       species of gastropod molluscs. Aside from being a food   participating in Mussel Count Day since 2022.
       source for a vast array of other animals (e.g. fish, birds,   Last year, more than a thousand enthusiastic
       crustaceans), molluscs play key roles in marine ecosystems   participants counted and identified almost
       … most bivalves filter their food from the ocean and by   35,000 mussels despite the bad weather. People
       so doing cleanse the water of suspended particles.” Many   also went to the beaches in Belgium and France
       marine gastropods “are  predators of  other  invertebrates,   on the official shell counting day, where more
       some clean up decomposing organisms and many graze      than 80,000 shells were found along 400 km of
       on algae or feed on organic surface deposits.” All “are truly   the North Sea coast.
       vital to the continuing health of Moreton Bay.”
                                                               Contact the Environmental Sustainability
       In 2022 the Queensland Government published  ‘A brief   Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) if you are
       guide to molluscs of Moreton Bay’. It is a quick read (mostly   interested in learning more about local seashells
       pictures and dot points).  Even after a cursory look you   and to be a part of our Moreton Bay seashell
       should be able to identify most of the shells you pick up.    counting and identifying initiative.

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        North Lakes-Locally owned since-188x260.indd   1
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