Page 8 - Best Of Local Mag June24 Edition
P. 8

Two Remarkable Locals Return

                                   to their Longreach Roots

       For the past 19 years, Anne and John Cooper have managed  others, as I had started at home (on the farm) and had the
       the operations of MMM (Mobile Mission Maintenance) on its  encouragement of my dad & mum to keep going; although it
       Lamington Road site at Mango Hill, overseeing and planning  was intimidating at times”.
       building projects (approved by the MMM Board) for sites
       around the country as well as around the Pacific and even into  On graduation from this course and with experience managing
       China.                                                 a station of 20k to 30K of merino sheep, Anne gained her
                                                              professional licence as a “Wool Classer”. When asked “what advice
       Now, after two decades of service to their church, Anne & John will  you would give to your younger self”, Anne told a reporter:
       return to their former roots in central Queensland (Longreach)
       although, the “R” (retirement) word remains a distant goal given  “Be the change you want to see in the world and surround
       their current intentions to continue to serve others.  yourself with like-minded people”! (Courtesy of “Grazier” – June
       About the Coopers

                                                              John Cooper
       Anne Cooper                                            Like so many young people in the outback, young John Cooper
       Young Anne Robinson grew up on a farming property around  of Longreach went off to boarding school where he attended
       Deepwater, south of Tenterfield in the northern tablelands of  Marist College in Ashgrove from 8 years old, flying from
       NSW, prior to the family moving to another property in central  Longreach to Brisbane, then catching a taxi to school through
       Qld near Longreach. After leaving high school, Anne was in the  Brisbane.
       first intake of female students at Longreach Pastoral College,
       enrolling in  “Wool Classing” as part of a broader course of  He finished high school at Longreach State High and started a
       studying sheep and wool.                               plumbing apprenticeship, following in his father’s footsteps.
                                                              However, away from work, like so many youngsters, John was a
       Anne has featured in the current issue of the “Grazier”  regular on the local rodeo circuit around Qld country, in riding,
                                                              team roping & steer wrestling events and competed in the
       When asked “what it was like being the only woman in a male  Australian championships in Victoria at the height of his career.
       dominated industry”, Anne stated “it was easier for me than
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