Page 9 - Best Of Local Mag June24 Edition
P. 9

Anne & John’s message as they leave the Mango Hill
                                                              We have met so many wonderful people who have become lifelong
                                                              friends through working and travelling together in MMM. Building
                                                              a team, travelling to rural and remote communities and assisting
                                                              the church or mission agency with their maintenance needs has
                                                              been very rewarding. While we go to help them, we in turn are
                                                              blessed from the fellowship and generosity of those we go to serve.

                                                              To the Mango Hill Progress Association:
                                                              Thank you, Laurence, for your support to us from the early days
                                                              of our arrival in Mango Hill. John and I believe Mango Hill is very
                                                              fortunate to have an association that has lasted so long, has the
                                                              respect of local and state pollies and exists to advocate for the good
                                                              of the community.

                                                              When we arrived, we lived on Buchanan’s farm which had crops
       Anne & John Cooper:                                    all around the MMM property and our son could catch yabbies in
       When asked that question, “How did you guys meet up”, Anne  the creek behind the shed and ride his quad bike in the paddocks.
       quipped, “We met while I was working on a Quarter Horse Stud  A lot has changed in our time here, but Laurance and his faithful
       near Longreach after leaving college. We both have a love for  team have continued to be our voice in advocating for Mango Hill
       horses and most of our spare time was taken up following the  in many aspects of change and lifestyle. We have appreciated your
       rodeo circuit.”                                        assistance with advertising and raising the profile of MMM in the
       In 1985, John and Anne married and settled down in Longreach  - Anne & John Cooper
       where John started his own plumbing business.  Anne continued
       her love of “wool classing” with a shearing team as they attended
       many a “wool cut” throughout western Queensland for the next
       several years, prior to the arrival of 3 young children, which
       demanded a more local career around town in working as a
       Teacher Aide at the local school.

       Over the next 2 decades, John and Anne became more involved
       in their local Baptist church. John’s plumbing skills and Anne’s
       organisation expertise were called on increasingly to enhance
       the MMM program on mission sites in the Soloman Islands
       and in mainland China, where they participated in repairing an
       orphanage and church.

       In 2005, with their children well on their way to their own
       careers, John and Anne were encouraged to move into a full-
       time management role with MMM at the Mango Hill site, which
       had recently (1997) come into operation. Over the ensuing two
       decades, Anne & John would organise and manage numerous
       building projects on missions, churches around Qld, Northern
       Territory and over in Broome, where compliance with the
       increasing range of safety, legal and industrial regulations
       required substantial skills and dedication.

       The Annual MMM Garage Sale at 29 Lamington Road, which
       raises considerable funds for mission work, was a highlight of
       the year for many in the local community, requiring a great deal
       of organisational effort by volunteers and especially by Anne &            MMM’s Motto
                                                                            “Serving those who Serve”

                                                               MMM welcomes interest from interested people seeking to
                                                              volunteer their time & skills for project work, whether local or as
                                                              they join the “Grey Nomad” convoys around the country where
                                                              they can “drop off and work on mission projects”, making new
                                                                          friends and contributing to others.
                                                                        Contact Trish at:

       June 2024                                                                                                9
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